Monday, December 29, 2014

Year ends

In a few more days, 2014 will be turning off its last few pages

As a nation, 2014 isnt a great year. currently with 3 plane issues, one still missing,another one shot down and currently the third is still being searched for. seems like there is no end to disasters as floods continues to affect 100k people throughout the east coast and north part of the country carrying with it the wrath of destruction. the worse flood since the 1970s. And as a small dot who makes up this nation, i can only pray for the best outcome in whatever hurdles we are currently facing. May i be soon equipped with competant knowledge to help humanity further.

Personally i think 2014 has made a mark in my life milestone. Numerous travels made this whole year had been pretty fun. The exams, stresses and exam anxiety had been pulled through with much grit. A visit to London was where i found my dream, it symbolises an end for a long search of the road that lies ahead. In London i learnt about solitude and taking account of my ownself in my own hands. Medical training can be lonely and torturing, someone wrote. Perhaps this would be the first few adaptations i have to learn.

Plunging into 5th year isnt all that smooth. After 4 years of smooth transition,declaring oneself as final year student has brought tremendous stress. suddenly everyone expects oneself to live up to the mark, to be fully perfect. It brings nostalgia as well to finally realise that in less than 10 months, the campus gate will be walked out one last time. 5 years of training is going to end in a jiffy. Housemanship isnt that shiny and welcoming from all the letters and opinions published in the newspapers. It indeed struck terror deep into the core of our hearts.

This whole year, ive been trying to slit my own demons and cutting them lose from myself. i am not so sure if ive succeeded but one thing i do know now, life is unexpected and we are all mere mortals. With 2 reminders this years of sudden deaths and mishaps, it did somehow change my perspective of things.

I guess that is roughly the zest of 2014.

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