Monday, April 25, 2016


Dogs never fail to amaze me with whatever they are capable of conjuring up.

2 years ago when i adopted hades, the only reason why i took him was because he was a retriver mix. he looked adorable, scrawny at that time. since i couldnt get a real retriver why not get a mix retriver.
I had to name him, and this time i wanted to give my dogs a cool name. not some names like brownie, blackie, etc as what happened in the past.
i still remember that time i just watched percy jackson, so i favored greek names. i remembered dogs can only remember 2 syllable names. options like poisoidon, athena was out. i didnt like the name zeus, it sounded too powerful for a dog.

a thought strike me, what if the dog becomes what its named after. eg. if i name it angel its going to be angelic. i remembered the name hades from the movie. hades = the god of the dead = the ruler of afterlife.
i had a wild idea, i wonder if by naming him hades will he be able to see ghosts? wild as it may seems, i named him hades.
at first it took a while for everyone to be able to pronounce his name. but it settled down later on.

few months later he begun to have skin issues. he was itching daily, his fur changed to be patchy, his skin looks blackish, his skin just looked terrible. even the brown streak of fur on his back was gone, a streak i love. he looks whithist now. surely he didnt look like a retriver mix.
trips to the vet, courses of antifungal and antihistamine medication, thrice weekly baths, and fish oil supplements became part of his daily routine. the best thing was he like car trips so calling him into the car was easy. he is prolly the only dog ive had who can sit in the car and enjoy the ride.
my parents did however got naggy over how costly of a dog he was. how hes not one bit of a guard dog.

time passes and he has grown 50% of his original size. he is now what i call fat. his skin problem still persists. bringing him for a walk is a no no. beyond the gate, he sprints in full speed, pulling anyone who brings him out. not a good candidate to bring out as he goes and drive the neighbourhood dogs crazy, pee everywhere and on anything in the street and have a hard time getting back into the house.
the first time i realised he was different was when 2 of my other dogs fight and he appeared so chill. he wasnt bothered about their fight, he just went on continuing his nap.
i didnt knew if i should laugh or be alarmed.

while other dogs can be trained by giving treats, hes a very stubborn dog.
delay the treat giving after he gives his paws or sit down, he will walk off.
i tried tricking him, by giving many commands without giving treats. he responded by ignoring me.
the only command he knows is sit and paws. i dont think he can ever be trained.

today he saw me sitting in my room, the door was open. i must have been absorbed looking at my laptop when i heard a loud bark. i turned and saw him sitting outside. my mom said he has been staring at me for awhile and then decided to bark at me.
should i be proud that i get a bark from him? im not sure but i did feel like laughing.

sometimes i think he is a child in a dogs body.
i still enjoy looking at him sleeping sometimes. the paws moving mid air, lost in his doggy dreams with the deep doggy sleep look. its pretty cute.

i wonder what else hes capable of. 

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