Thursday, April 21, 2016

the bro code

My brain begun to have its qualms after a conversation with a friend.
i wasnt expecting to be hit with a cold hard truth.
the aftermath of that cold hard truth lingered after that conversation. its there behind my mind. lurking while my subconcious mind tries to churn it away.
today i finally realised the truth of that cold hard truth. i saw the photos. i wasnt upset, nor was there flood of emotions. what rang inside my head was the exact same sentence  that my friend  said.
thank god i have friends who knock sense into me when i go senseless.
i thank god too that i havent done anything to sabotage myself.

truth is, often we go after those who doesnt care about us, enslaving ourselves to their existance yet we dont do enough to those who love and care about us. we are always blinded by those who stood rock hard by our side, catch us when we fall.

moments like this is where i feel touch.

maybe this is why they say 'bros before hoes'.

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