Saturday, October 3, 2015

Mr. Holmes

Mr Holmes the movie portrays an old frail sherlock holmes.
The great detective who is suffering from senility, in the countryside with his bees.
every cough, every weakening voice and each fall in the movie potrayed by ian mckeller brings sadness to me. everyone ages, even sherlock holmes.
The movie started off with many recollections,bits and pieces from holmes who is having memory problems. It gets interesting with the small boy who was very fond of bees and seemed to have taken an affection for holmes.
Its nice to see holmes liking the boy as well. gives a very grandfatherly feeling.
The loose ends tie up pretty neatly in the end. theres a few twist to the plot when the plot plateaus which brings me back to anticipation. i like how the camera zooms in on holmes expression. the appropriate use of background music to express each emotion.

while this movie doesnt focus on holmes famous complex cases, it did signify holmes last days pretty well. I find this movie realistic, focuses on the complexity of the human mind, proves to us that logic can only bring us this far and that it is no fool proof. It shows the regrets of sherlock holmes, maybe his flaws. If it only showed the strength of holmes without any flaws, then it wouldnt have given the impact it meant in this movie.

It ends with holmes praying to a bunch of stones, each representing a person who had left him. I find this very appealing. afterall in the end we only have ourselves. maybe when holmes pray to those stones he is also making peace with whatever unfinished business he had with the people who left him.

It did killed abit of sherlock holmes image in me. the confident,ever mysterious holmes whom i thought never age.

now im awaiting for pan. 

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