Tuesday, October 6, 2015


Today was the farewell party..
Not many lecturers attended, quite a dissapointed. these people are not that sporting as the ones in manipal. sometimes i think this job in melaka has taken away their soul..
while everyone is busy thanking the teachers in melaka, everyone forgot about the ones in manipal. nevertheless i figured the ones in melaka are closer to us in our hearts as they are the ones who taught us in clinics, brought us into the clinical world. and of course, they are a part of us now, doctors.
However this is the last event for 110 people as a batch. i am happy that we managed to take a batch photo. in the future i will flip pass this photo and say there, i was in the class of 2015.

Tonite, i was so busy taking snaps with everyone that i just gave up on eating the food provided. when i looked for food, its all gone.
The feeling of joy is estatic, the more snaps i took the happier i am. Soon we will be all over the country,some i might not see anymore. for now, ive engrained all of these peoples presence in snapshots. i hope i dont look tired in those shots. these few days had been tiring for me.

i heard somewhere that the joy u feel are the reflection of how much suffering one has gone through. and between each suffering there is a gap for joy.  i find that interesting because if its true it would reflect how much suffering ive had during finals.
since i understood the phrase 'this too will pass', the same phrase crops into my mind every now and then. Its kind of a reminder now, to live in the moment, to cherish it at that moment because once its gone, its over and done. I think thats why i feel humbled by each happy moments i have. each happy moments now i feel obliged to give thanks.

Tonight had been a memorable one as well.
a mini gathering between 6 people, playing board games. its just pure fun.

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