Friday, October 9, 2015

Some interesting talks

Few days ago i went on roaming to thank professors personally. Some were modest about it,some i heard did not appreciate it. whatever it is, i have done my responsibility.
Graduating upgrades our hierachy in their eyes.. Maybe we reminded them of their graduation days too. Conversations do not happen much in this campus, usually its formal and curt. now its abit friendlier and a few unexpected souls will impart their wisdoms on u in practicing medicine. all in good intention to make us be better doctors.
i cant help feel the welcome into this club call doctors.

It had been a fruitful day as i got to chat with 2 interesting individuals. One of which wrote a long status about me. It wasnt a secret when friends of mine instinctively knew it was about me. I take this as an honour. Interesting talks on life, on experiences and motivation to go further into medicine. Some advice on places for houseman, the importance of gaining clinical competance in this 2 years. it sounds like pearls of wisdom to me. i hope i pay enough attention that later in it will benefit me in some little ways.
the dean in his speech told us we have 6 years from now to climb into specialist title. there are many hints of expectations on what we are supposed to acheive in a timeline. I sense a huge sense of excitement in the talk as well as a sense of responsibility now that the college name rest upon us. Seniors lived up to it and it is a norm that we continue to carry that good name.

Theres one question in the conversations that struck me personally. what will i miss in manipal.. i remember now the long gap of silence as i begin to reflect on it. And nothing came. really, nothing. blank. In  the end i answered, well i am ready to take off. Its true, med school is getting static as time drags on. I feel its time we move on to new terrains and sore on a different height. There is anxiety over the future with its uncertainties. Doubts whether i am ready or not. All in all i have learnt this time is to have faith and it will work itself.
 cant help feeling a new adventure is begining soon.

Of course saying goodbye to friends is not easy.
i have to admit after the brahm talks i am calmer and i have learnt to keep an open mind.
Its inevitable. Nothing is permanent afterall. It doesnt mean i do not grief over goodbyes. I do grief.
i hope my friends who are grieving too will find calmness. Its difficult to put into words how i view this now.

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