Saturday, October 3, 2015

Its packing time again

I never learn.
Why is there so much stuff
Wish magic is here to compress everything and just charm them back home.

im into day 3 of packing my stuff.
the above are repeated thoughts that come through my mind. the last massive packing i had was 2.5 years ago, exactly the same anguish i have as now.

Selling stuff off is an option to get rid of them but no one buys them. till now i only got rid of 3 items and that with massive loss. few bucks each item, hardly sufficient to buy one starbucks.

ever felt what ocd people felt? the disgust over dirty hands? the urge to wash them off every now and then? its exactly how i feel each time i touch stuff with layers of dust in it. sometimes unknowingly i would touch my arm and then my skin itches. then i go shower and cleaning process is halted.
the most awaited times during this whole cleaning business is time to go out or the times when i get so exaushted i just collapse to sleep.

there are some happy reminders too during cleaning. like all those random presents ive kept aside. the cards written by friends. its nicely stored in a box now, to be added into the main box of memories at home.

15% cleaning done. another 75 more to go

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