Monday, March 2, 2015

Part 6

During our earlier friendship days, Sai went for a conferance some few thousand miles near my hometown. That was the first time we had to stop talking for awhile. It wasnt a pleasant transition. We talked daily, multiple times, many hours. In a way i remember it now, i think we exceeded our quota. And now we ended up not talking at all.

We did emailed a while. Then i was jealous because Sai was also meeting up with Sai's partner. I remembered i was so excited Sai came online in a chat but that time Sai wasnt in a good mood and we ended up arguing.

Sai came back and brought me a phone case. I didnt thought that would be my present. I said my real impression stating it was the most hideous thing on earth and why did Sai bought it. It was a biscuit phone case.
Later only did i knew Sai bought 2 identical phone casing. one for sai and one for me. Because i did mentioned about lets use the same thing together as we did have the same phone model.

I still remembered my enthiusm teaching sai to use the phone. Im not sure if i was really teaching or i was just flaunting my technology skills. Whatever it was, Sai is technologically illiterate. Also unable to multitask to which i tease Sai often about it.

It pains me now to remember at the rage of anger i cut the casing into half and threw it away.
I happened to see a classmate of mine using the same cover in class, to which i enquire where did my classmate bought it. Seeing the cover brought alot of bittersweet memory back. I didnt see such cover since.

Sai did made me promise not to act out in my anger. I did promise but i didnt live up to the promise. It still pains me to remember such details of my anger and its consequence.

Before i left, Sai gave me 4 things. It was very unexpected. Sai left 2 wrapped presents in a plastic bag which i thought was empty. I had refused to take the plastic and left it on the table to which Sai got really angry. Getting Sai to calm down had been very difficult. It was a palm tree keychain which had notes saying hope i plant one because i had made Sai try planting seedlings. another one was an angel keychain. Sai had mentioned that i was like an angel and everytime i see it i should behave like an angel.
Another thing was a wallet, something which i can use daily and kept close to me.
Before i went for a 14 days holiday, Sai had written me a diary. for me to read on my way, something i pestered Sai to do since i was the one writing constantly. It was very touching indeed.

Out of rage, 3 of the things i destroyed.
The diary i burnt later one, after reading it many times. I was sure that Sai would not come back anymore. And i didnt want anyone else to know this about Sai and me. I was more worried about the diary sitting at home.

For sometime i was angry at myself. angry at the fact that my anger got the better of me. When i think of this again, i am deeply ashamed. Its one life lesson learnt the hard way.
I wish i had kept those things with me, perhaps i would feel part of Sai still remain with me.
I wonder if sai had thrown stuff i gave and i wonder what happened to the letters ive written to sai.

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