Monday, September 21, 2015

Exams and hair

So far so good..
after 5 years of rigorous stressful exams, i have learnt the art of becoming calm. at least i am able to sleep without taking medications.
i have been wondering if this unusual calmness is because ive burnt out my enthuism for the exams or because this round there isnt any grand reward waiting for me like last year.
the worse is coming soon. soon when i have to go through clinical sessions i wonder will i still be calm..

on the contrary note, after many many many months of battling my stubborn curly and odd length hair, it finally has grown to an acceptable length where it can be tied.
just today my friend taught me how to tie a proper pony tail after days of teasing me about my inability to tie one. honestly i only know how to grab all of my hair and tie it. the ponytail lesson turn out to be a disaster. its time consuming and takes quite alot of effort. even now drying hair after baths is taking abit of toll on my sleep time.

just how long more i can take this long hair business i shall see when i begin working.
this change of image, its because i remembered a remark X said to me. i dont know how it went on but i left my hair long uncut. until this length now.

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